Rania's creations are evocative of the life she has lived, the granddaughter of a spice merchant in the Middle East and daughter of an entrepreneurial father who took the family from Jordan to Morocco to finally settle in France. Rania too lives by the courage of her convictions. At 39 she dared leave behind a secure career and take the first step toward what we have come to know as RANIA J the perfumer and the brand.
"I bring my whole self into my creations. My fragrances are how I connect and communicate with others, where words are lacking the experience of the fragrance invites one to join in the adventure, the exploration of light and shadow, the mystery of the unknown. The dance of the senses is brought to life as the wearer embodies the story of each fragrance. Each perfume like carnival, where we try on different facets of our personalities and dare to explore new ones." — Rania Jouaneh
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