Incense Fragrances

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Perfumes and colognes featuring rich, resinous and aromatic incense notes. Derived from woods and resins, incense imbues mystical and mysterious not-so-smoky-smoke notes to fragrance. Ranging from spicy to sweet to earthy to "churchy", this is perfumed smoke at it's finest.

1 product

1 product

Bo Eau de Parfum by Liis | 50ml Eau de Parfum in a rectangular, clear glass bottle with a matte-white spherical, ball shaped cap. Liis Bo Eau de Parfum is printed on bottle in white, serif type.
Lifestyle image for Liis Bo fragrance with woman's face partially obscured by green plant foliage
Lightly-smoked woods with a warm nudge of vanilla
$ 5.00 - $ 175.00